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snaimon (Offline)
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Default 04-06-2007, 17:39

Originally Posted by Fonzeroid View Post
Hmm... thanks for replies guys...

I was thinking of getting one of those $30 GoPhones from Cingular then she buy a Sim card in Germany.... (how much do those run) ?

DRN -- will check on what model my old T-Mobile phone is... if she could use that and only have to buy a German Sim card then maybe the cost will be better. (I do know that I did use that phone once or twice in Italy in an emergency and it jumped on to their local network for $$$ !! )
The SUNSIM card which Andy recommends runs ~15 Euros or ~ $20 with 5 Euros credit. I believe you need a German address and is only available via www. Should be able to use the hotel or place where she is staying.

Another choice would be SIMYO and I believe they are now being sold in RETAIL locations. Used to be only over WWW.

The key will be WHICH PHONE you have or buy. Used unlocked phones are readily available on eBay if you do that. Or find a friend who has a spare. MUST BE UNLOCKED, however, and many users don't even bother to have the carrier unlock the phone.

It has been my experience that MOST newer but LOCKED T-MO US phones (last 3 years - V188, V300, V330, Treo 600 & MDA have been tested by me) will work with a German T-MO SIM. Those T-MO SIMs are also readily available in retail, but the rates are a bit higher than SUNSIM or SIMYO.

Look on the national ops page. I think German local SIMs will cost you about 10 - 20 Euros with varying amounts of credit. The SUNSIM offer is, I think, a bit pricey at first (low initial credit). HOWEVER, if most of the calls outbound will be to landlines, then that is definitely the best buy at the moment for the LONG term. Some calling cards (Enjoyprepaid) have local German landine #s and low rates Germany to US.


Phones: DASH V3 (3)
Service: US T-MO post paid (2) - US T-MO prepaid (2) - UM+ - TravelSIM DE SIMYO - DE SUNSIM T-Mobile DE
Calling Cards: Onesuite Enjoyprepaid AT&T MCI Mobivox
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