Thread: Toggle Mobile
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Default New User Experiences - 30-05-2013, 00:47

Hi guys. I have been struggling to understand Toggle for about a week now and am very glad to have found this forum!
There have been a few discoveries that I have made and I would love to get some feedback on them:
* Registration of my local Toggle number took about four days - but it worked Ok in the end.
* I was hoping to forward my normal number to my local Toggle number while overseas. That actually works OK in Australia but there is no voicemail facility, so is not of much use if (say) I want to turn off my Toggle phone overnight in UK. Toggle have now told me that voicemail only works when directly calling the primary (UK) Toggle number.
* I now plan to forward my normal number to my UK Toggle number (which I can do very cheaply OK). I am trusting that this will work OK and that voicemail will then operate OK.
* I can ring my UK Toggle number OK from Australia and leave voicemail OK. After calling in to the mailbox, I am told about the new message but cannot actually listen to it. I think that this is just a system fault and await Toggle's help.

There is some great potential here, but boy it is difficult to get a handle on it!
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