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Triband81 (Offline)
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Default 05-02-2006, 19:40

I read that debitel is joining the fray on the other day. Let me comment on what exactly the aforementioned info means:

Clearly point 3 is called: III. Vertragsbeginn (Contract start)


XVII. Ordentliche K?ndigung (Timely/Proper Contract Termination)
Der Vertrag wird f?r unbestimmte Zeit geschlossen.
The contract will run for an unspecified time period. (normal wireless contracts in Germany are 24 months)!!

XX. Bonit?tspr?fung / Schufa-Klausel (Financial Standing/Account Status Check/Schufa Paragraph)
Soweit der Kunde im Antragsformular einwilligt, darf simply die Daten des Kunden auch wie folgt verarbeiten (SCHUFA-Klausel)
Simply may process the customer's submitted data provided that they have consented to this on the application form.

The SCHUFA is Germany's privately held credit reporting agency meaning that it is the agency which receives and stores the information about your credit history. This is the German version of Equifax, Transunion and The Dun & Bradstreet Corporation. Any German national or foreign national with permanent German residency is required to go to the local SCHUFA center in their city and request a credit report. The report lists details such as name, date of birth, place of birth, current address, bank information (bank name, account type (Giro - checking, Spar-konto - savings account) and any negative history such as bankruptcies, failure to pay notices (aka disclosures). The Bonit?tspr?fung is done to see whether your account is in good standing and whether your financial status is reliable enough so the company you're seeking to sign a contract with knows that they'll get their money.

For the moment, Aldi is the best offer on the table since it doesn't involve a credit check.
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