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moua (Offline)
Official Member
Posts: 41
Join Date: 17 Mar 2006
Location: Paris

Default 30-04-2006, 05:03

I wanted something to use callbackworld from about all web/wap/imode/light client

So i made this :
based on (light but not enouth)

It's very light and should work on about all wap 2 devices and other html browser,
with about 1~2kb traffic only (useful if you pay gprs at high rate).

If you want to type only the destination number, take ,
edit it (instructions inside the source) and upload it to any web server*.

This is basic html, not wml.
Most devices can handle it, but old wap devices can't.
If it don't work with your mobile, please tell me,
if there is enouth demand (and if i have time) i will work on a wml version.

Enjoy B)

Alternatively you can bookmark
and replace XXX by your trigger number and YYY by the number you want to call
It work on all device who can handle URL (even if you can't see the html result, it works)

*avoid somes free web service with ad, they modify the html to display ad and it's heavier

PS : all callbackworld access number start with 951 ?
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